Guru Sandaran Tidak Terlatih (GSTT) 2011 back to work in April
Education director Datuk Dr. Muhiddin Yusin said they will be reinstated in three stages with the first batch of 109 teachers to be called to serve from April 1 onwards based on available vacancies in school across the state.
Another 350 GSTT will be reinstated in the second stage while the third and final batch of 101 teachers will be able to commence teaching by as early as June 1.
“The number of GSTT in Sabah whose services have ended and not terminated, was 578 teachers as of December 31 last year and all of them will be reinstated to fill the vacant positions left by teachers who were transferred to places outside Sabah” he said.
Congratulation to all GSTT teacher. All the best to you.